If your organisation doesn’t have its own Learning Management System you can use ours!

What is an LMS and what is SCORM?


Learning Management
Systems (LMS)

(Shareable Content
Object Reference Model)

Learn It Online’s Learning Management System

If you want to purchase one of our courses but don’t have an LMS to work with, we can help! Using our LMS is a great option if… 

  1. You don’t currently have access to an LMS 
  2. You have an LMS but want to provide education for external colleagues that work outside of your organisation and therefore don’t have access to your LMS
  3. You’d prefer a simple platform that only houses the content you require for the time period you need it for

Learn It Online’s Learning Management System

If you want to purchase one of our courses but don’t have an LMS to work with, we can help! Using our LMS is a great option if… 

  1. You don’t currently have access to an LMS 
  2. You have an LMS but want to provide education for external colleagues that work outside of your organisation and therefore don’t have access to your LMS
  3. You’d prefer a simple platform that only houses the content you require for the time period you need it for

Getting set up with our Learning Management System is hassle free!


When purchasing your course(s), we’ll set up a group for your organisation and allocate the number of learners (seats) you want to be able to access the platform


We’ll load the course(s) you’ve purchased into your group dashboard along with any organisation specific resources you’d like to include


After providing us with an excel sheet of your learners’ details, we’ll upload them to the system for you and assign group leaders that can run and export reports on the group and individuals

Frequently Asked Questions


All of our courses are available to organisations and a majority are available for individual users. Get in touch with us for more information.

No, our LMS is solely for accessing courses created by Learn It Online. Our team uploads courses and resources into your dashboard on your behalf. If there are external resources you want give learners access to, we’ll usually place links to these within the course file as well as placing them within the ‘Resources’ section in your group Dashboard.

If you are purchasing one of our ready-made courses, the process is very fast! Simply get in touch with us to get a quote and once the paperwork is all approved we can have you set up within a week. If you want to make adjustments to an existing course or create a completely bespoke course, you’ll need to get in touch with us to get an idea of timelines. 

Learn It Online’s Learning Management System will allow you to customise your own group page. We can add organisation-specific information, contact numbers and downloads as well as welcome messages and notice boards. We will take of all of this set up for you.

Your group leaders have the ability to manage learners. They can check on an individuals progress and add new learners, (as long as there are enough ‘seats’ available within your subscription, but we can add more seats at an additional cost at any time). 


We use Articulate Storyline 360, one of the industry’s leading programmes. It allows us to create highly interactive learning environments, from card storing and drag and drop style questions all the way to escape rooms!

In our experience, we have found that courses published using Articulate Storyline 360 are compatible with a wider range of LMS’ with fewer conflicts, making the handover simple and trouble-free.

Yes, we generally prefer to have separate SCORM files for each module within a course, however if you’d prefer them to be within one file, separated into different ‘scenes’ we can do that for you. Just get in touch.

Yes! We have certificates for every course we currently offer. If needed, we can add your organisations/companies logo to the certificate too.

Contact us for LMS and course enquiries

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

An LMS is an online software that acts as a home for eLearning content. Think of it as a virtual classroom.

It’s responsible for tracking a learner’s progress through a course, generating reports on their activity and assessments results and storing course related material. An LMS can be used to support traditional face-to-face learning or as a stand alone educational tool. You need an LMS in order to run SCORM files.

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) Files

SCORM is a type of file that allows eLearning content and LMSs to work together and communicate.

For example, when a learner completes an activity, the LMS picks it up, allowing you to track their progress. SCORM files can only be read by an LMS, they can’t be used on a normal website.