Medical Disclaimer

Whilst Learn It Online Limited has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of its courses and resources, the content provided should be taken as information only, and not as an alternative to appropriate medical advice. You should always seek the guidance of a qualified health professional about any questions or concerns you may have regarding your own or another’s health or medical condition(s). You should not delay, discontinue or disregard any medical advice or intervention as a result of information provided by Learn It Online. External links to other websites or educational materials are used at your own risk. Under no circumstances is Learn It Online responsible for the accuracy and security of third-party websites or organisations.

In addition, some references are restricted by copyright law, subscription or membership to the NHS (e.g The British National Formulary (BNF) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have permission to access these sites.

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